Sunday, October 14, 2018

Bulgaria Post 2: A Beautiful Explosion of Stuff

Well . . . Let's see if I can get through this. I am sorry for any mistakes. I am trying to get through all of my photos so that I can start fresh uploading a blog per week. We'll see. I want to record life like I used to. 

Nothing is in order, so I will try to give context when I can, but I am sorry if I miss something. Please ask questions so that I know what to take pictures of and what stories to tell. We love you all and hope you enjoy the gallery.

I went and played ultimate frisbee for the first time since university. The tour guide that took our students on a recent trip around central Bulgaria is the UF ambassador, he introduced the sport to Bulgaria and runs an NGO through the US embassy to use the sport as bridge between local kids and the Roma population. I played (very poorly) for his team. They were very patient and kind and it was super fun. Ada (from Macedonia) taught Artemis how to throw and catch.

There were teams there from all over eastern Europe including FYROM (Northern Macedonia?, nope not yet) Romania Germany and Bulgaria.

This was our kit. I looked better than I played. We were called "The Blue Caps".

The girls were there to cheer me on.

Grapes and Cherry juice in old tire lounge chairs.

It was held in a super old field on the outskirts of town, but everyone was just happy to play. It was a blast.

At the end of each game everyone stood in a circle said nice things about each other, and generally talked about how fun the games were.

 The weather has been amazing. 65-75 and sunny nearly everyday.

We went to the university botanical garden in the center of town with my HOGS group. It is a small garden, but they are always wonderful. This is a winter box for insects which gives them a warm safe place to hibernate for the cold weather. Super cool.

Air-plants still boggle my mind a bit.

 Look at that texture. There was nothing I had never seen before, but it was all so beautiful.

 The city is covered in big parks. These trees have awesome birdhouses.

This is an old art-deco bath-house in the center. There are hot water springs all over Bulgaria. In the center we have the really cool fountains from which you can drink. the water is about body temp, and people fill huge bottles of water to take home. the water is supposed to be super healthy of course.

 Artemis getting off the #5 after school.

 Ahh god-mothers. Litsa and her family were our first visitors. super fun.

These are the cots where the kids take their naps at school. see if you can spot Artemis' cot. remember she is the only girl in the class.

 My bday celebration. it was wonderful. We have a cool cafe and deli in our residential area.

 Emily lives life through Mimi. Everything. Cream on the butt? absolutely.

 Breakfast? Absolutely.

 Lay in the grass, and love from others? Absolutely.

 Recently she got to hang out with Artemis at school for a bit. Wonderful experience.

Look familiar, nope, it's not Thessaloniki. Ancient Macedonia, Rome and Byzantium had many arms outstretched far and wide.

 This is just one of the the green spaces around our apartment.

Look what book she picked! We have a wonderful library with all kinds of books. I did a morning reading there as well. so much fun.

Downtown there is a Synagogue. Mosque. Catholic Church. Orthodox (Russian and Eastern) all exist and function within a few blocks of each other downtown.

 That is Emily's camera face.

 The new spokesperson?

 There is construction everywhere. It is incredible.


 New strollers for the girls. Emily's is nicer than the one that we own for her.

 The grey water pond at school. The flowers were gorgeous.

Where are the fish?

Artemis was a flower girl for her godmothers wedding in Cyprus. We had a busy, but fun trip. and Artemis was stunning.


 On the wall!

 Eleftheria's day!

 Artemis got the whole package for the wedding. hair, makeup, stick on earrings and clothes.

 All aboard!

 Happy ladies!

 The one who gets to open the gates is the luckiest little lady in the land. Beep!

 More Burgers!!!


 Training for her first day on the job. She'll lead you around when you visit.

At the top of the chair lift. Vitosha is the mountain right next to our house. The lift takes about 20 minutes to make its way up. Absolutely worth the trip. On this particular day there was a mountain run that we stumbled upon. Artemis was inspired and wants to run soon. We'll see.

 So many treasures!

 Finally, they have a bedroom. no more falling out.

 making kotopita with mommi.

 princess Elsa. soooo happy.

 Mimi has to strapped in in the taxi.

 there better be two Elsas in the next movie.

well, is she is not going to use the other bed. 

We made it back to Greece for a visit. I have a week off (fall break) and so we are here trying to fit in every little thing that we can possibly do. so far so good. we'll see how much gets checked off of our list.

 Plenty of time with friends for sure.

Emily has a weird infatuation with manikins.


 exploring in a field

 Mimi has to eat.

An evening back in Greece. 

I think that I am close to have sorted through all of the pictures and this is certainly how my brain feels. The first two months have been a whirlwind of excitement. Everything has been wonderful and our lives have flipped 180 degrees. All of the goals that we set out to achieve through the move that we have made, have thus far been realized, and the future seems bright and exciting for the first time in a long time. 

I hope that we are able to keep up with the blog to share all of our experiences with you. Remember that you are always welcome and that we have plenty for room and desire for visitors. 


Unknown said...

Glad your move has gone well and that you all seem happy in your new home! I cant believe how much the girls have grown, they are beautiful!!!

Sarah said...

Wow. What a great story. You all look so happy and healthy. I hope that Bulgaria brings you joy and an ever improving work-life balance. Looks like a lovely place with lovely people. The Mimi stories throughout really brought a smile to my face.

(Keith signed in as Sarah)