Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The End of August

during our last few days in medina, we spent some time in the fun, and artemis finally figured out that the splash park was a pretty cool place.

i celebrated my 30th bday with my family and a couple of old friends.
artemis helped me light a kick butt fire.
papou and artemis preformed their evening ritual of trying to not overfeed the fish.
we spent a lot of time in airports on the flight home, and i spent a lot of time at the service desk. . . Fun!
artemis figured out how the head phones worked.
made it back in time for the august heat.
both eleftheria and i were feeling like we had not had our due time at the beach so we have begun to try to catch up.
we went to a huge "fair" her they are called panagiri, and they celebrate a saint/church. it was massive and artemis road on her first "roller coaster". by herself no less.

more beach.
she has grown so much, but i am constantly reminded of how small she still is, such a long and wonderful way to go.

the fam. all is well.


Sarah said...

I was just thinking about you guys!
Happy Birthday Eleftheria!!!
Wow, I can't believe the last month of summer is behind us. It is nice to see a summery post and THE BEACH! Enjoy every beach moment and more for me. My toes long for the sand and my skin the salt water. So happy to see your great pictures!

Karen and Pat said...

What a wonderful post! So glad you got in some beach time and hope there is still some to come. Eleftheria - Happy Birthday!! Hope you felt well enough to celebrate. Ian good luck with the start of your school year. Give my Artemis some hugs for me.

Karen and Pat said...

Nice post! Footprints in the sand needs to be framed and hung in her room!!!
Love, Dad

Adam said...

Great pictures, but I really love the last one - you guys look so great!
It was so nice to talk to you on Scype the other day. Let's keep in touch! Ian, good luck with the start of school!

MissG_ said...

I love the one that she looks like Ceasar...with grapes!!!
Wait, who's that guy in the truck with Artemis???