Friday, May 8, 2015

Keith and I are Different Busy

this will be my first weekend in my house since before Adam's visit.
"dad, seriously? directions?"
rooftop view of Bucharest. a wonderful mixture of early 20th century  eclecticism (yes that is a real movement in architecture, but it does sound like a cop-out for someone who has trouble making decisions), mid century communism, and modern design elements. 
Bucharest. as in every city in eastern Europe, the main downtown of Bucharest is being renovated. this is a new bookstore inside of an old building. the entire inside has been redone. 
Bucharest.  it is definitely an old city. there is charm, but there is also a lot of grey and brown and rust.
Bucharest.  charm.
Bucharest. the kids. there are numerous city parks in the city; though it rained on our day out, we made the best of it. the green in the midst of city was very impressive. 
Bucharest. wiring insanity.
Bucharest. this is an old fire tower outside the city. super cool building.
Bucharest. very tight stairwell for servants in a big palace.
Bucharest. lion statures make everything more official.
Cambridge. they go punting. a lot.
Cambridge. queens college.
London. st. pauls cathedral
London. almost all the girls (the 4th is on my back at this point).
London. on the millennium bridge

London.  Dina and Brian. a quiet but fun evening.
London.  Artemis really wanted this boy to play with her. eventually he went and hid in the corner of the room under a table.

London.  tired. also. the best way to move Artemis through the airport without a stroller or carrier. 


Unknown said...

Bucharest looks cool. Next time I am coming. I want to visit those in-out door cafes and that elegant bookstore! Is that narrow stairwell from the tower. Artemis is so cute...I am looking her pictures all the time at the office and smiling like a crazy....(crazy mom)

Sarah said...

That is a pretty awesome form of busy! What does your passport look like these days?
Artemis is super cute! Clever idea with the suitcase. Travel savvy family :)
Have a great weekend!
Happy Mothers Day Eleftheria! xoxo

Adam said...

Nice pictures. How was the wedding? I love the last pic of Artemis riding the luggage :-). What a cutie!

Karen and Pat said...

Eleftheria - Happy Mothers Day!! You guys have been so crazy busy! Hopefully you are all well and have a little bit of break to get caught up. I am hoping to get a post up in the next couple of days. We have had a great visit to Ithaca. Love the pictures of Budapest and the picture of Artemis riding the luggage is adorable. Love you all so much...counting the days... XXX000

K said...

Wow. Have you started writing a book yet? You better at least be taking notes. Also, I would totally watch a travel show with you as the host!