Thursday, April 23, 2015

Not Stealing Photos

 so, i do not want to steal any of adam's photos; i hardly took any the entire time he was here. but picasa does this great thing where it assumes that you neither have the time nor the know-how to edit your pics. for me both of these assumptions are true. these are the only pics of adams that i will post, i will let him post the rest, and add my stories in his comments.

so, picasa will stitch your pictures together into a panoramic shot. this is from our brief visit to meteora.
 our volley ball circle at easter in silata. nice stop motion
and finally a picture frame ready set of artemis in all of her cute glory

thank you adam for such a wonderful visit, it was so wonderful to get to spend so much time together. hopefully we will get to hang out again someday.

eis to επανιδείν


K said...

Neat post! Thanks for sharing the photos. It sounds like you guys had a great time. Was it that sunny and beautiful for the whole visit?!

Karen and Pat said...

Ian I don't understand how Picasso
works but your pictures are pretty cool especially the volley ball game. I am soooo glad that you guys had a good time and am looking forward to the pictures and stories. Have fun this weekend and Budapest. Take pictures!