Saturday, March 8, 2014

Car Baby Family Hit the Mountain

Artemis was geared up and waited patiently in the new car.  she got rid of her infant padding in her car seat; she felt that she was too old and mature for that baby stuff.
 when do we leave?
 it was a beautiful day on the mountain; though at times rainy.
 artemis loves the wrap.  she snuggled in and stayed nice an warm for our hike.
 flowers are in bloom.
 super cool cave tunnel underground secret thing.  cool!
 i wasn't allowed to go any further with the baby strapped to my chest.  i'll have to wait for next time.
 full symbiotic baby mode.  it is a funny look, but she is happy so.
 the car has made family time super awesome
 the long and winding road.
 sleeping in the car.  personally one of my top 3 favourite places to sleep.
 the face smile.  wow . . . i mean really
a quick change of clothes and she is ready for coffee with mom in the centre.

the ability to go where you want, when you want, with whomever you want; that is the grand success of the personal car.  it is more money that we can really afford, but when it can give you a day like today, nothing else really matters.  


Karen and Pat said...

NICE smile!!! Nice day. Thanks for sharing.

Adam said...

I love this post! Everything about it makes me happy for you. The family time, the smiles, and the new found family freedom. Love to you all!

LeAnna said...

dang it, that was LeAnna - i even made a concerted effort to look to see if it said who was signed in and it didn't say anything!

Ian said...

no worries leanna. that family freedom line is a good one to start in on adam with, and it is relatively true.

K said...

Hahahaha! I read "Adam's" comment and thought, "Damn, his new job must really be better. He seems so happy and positive." Seriously, though. Very nice post. I love what you said about the car. I'm sorry that my lifestyle is screwing up the world and that everyone can't experience personal car freedom, but there is no way I'll give up having a personal car for the exact reason you so eloquently stated. Unless I can ride a horse. The picture of you going into the hole in the ground with the kid caused me a visceral reaction! I was so glad to read the caption. Good reasoning skills, Eleftheria! Beautiful, beautiful family pictures. Thank you for posting so many good things to look at.