Friday, March 14, 2014

More and More Important

this is a comment that i read on youtube video referring to a speech by adam savage. 

Regarding the first audience question, I think one thing is that many of the interests that girls have a higher chance of having, not meaning to be generalizing, but e.g. perfume, make-up, horses etc. are almost never presented as sciences. While things that boys might have a higher chance of being interested in, such as rockets, cars etc. very much are.
The interest in science among girls might increase if the part of their interests that is built upon science would be shown for what it is, instead of always being abstracted away to create a more "romantic" image for marketing purposes.    

 i really hope i can pull this off.  i can speak from experience now, that it is ridiculously difficult to avoid gender stereotypes.  reading this i am not sure that i necessarily have to.  

1 comment:

Karen and Pat said...

I think the important thing is to be aware and to present varied opportunities. Assume that your child will be interested in the things that interest you, BOTH of you....and ENJOY :0)