Sunday, January 10, 2010

Out of Order Spain Pictures

for new years eve we had a huge paella at the hostel that we stayed at; calamari, chicken, and prawns all combined with seasoning, rice, peppers, onions, tomato, the whole shi-bang. it was great and we then went downtown with everyone for a ridiculous concert. it was all very cool and fun.
there were a lot of street performers in malaga and this guy was pretty cool. there were also a lot of people pretending to be statues, some pretty impressive. super cool.
here is adam cranking away with his crazy spinal column muscles. makes the girls go wild. no seriously this is 8a+ and he did it wet. sick
wow. kinda big.
artsy fartsy.
pretty sweet we gave a euro to a statue guy got suckers and a little show (he moved).
leanna's tentative first steps.
in hindsight that was a bit scary.
real life star trek
adam's hair giving him a hand
a beautiful house and a beautiful picture
chocolata con chorros in downtown madrid. eleftheria had a six hour layover, so we decided to escape downtown. it was pretty sweet and my spanish actually did a pretty good job.
another street performer. cool pic.
one of the few climbs i actually made it up. super wonderful and one of the great days.

sorry that these are out of order, but whatever. oh, and here are the following breakthroughs i made while in spain:

1: the saying, "the rain in spain falls mainly on the plains," is b.s.
2: also "costa del sol" change to "costa del llueve"

have a good day and i will check in soon.


LeAnna said...

I said "the rain in spain..." line to adam after we'd been there in the rain for about 5 days and he had no clue what I was talking about. Great photos! Hope you're getting caught up. I know it's taken me a while! Glad to hear you had a smooth trip back - it was great to see you two!

Adam said...

Nice pics buddy! Start taking some more of Greece again. I still haven't seen Thesoloniki so it would be cool to get a sense of your everyday world.