Monday, May 26, 2008

There and Back Again

well . . . this is officially my last post from the european continent. i am currently back at gianluca's house after a wonderful romp through pisa, florence, rome, barcelona, and madrid. i have had a wonderful trip and i will admit that it is a bit sureal to think about coming back to the states, but i am sure that things will be fine once i get off of the plane.

i thought that i would take the opportunity to answer the title question; Aristotle said what?

it is a bit difficult to answer such a questioning considering that he said so much, but i have been searching and reading and i think that i have found the quote that is most pertinate to my situation. the quote reads as follows, "for the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them." perfect i think. this applies to teaching as well as it applies to train stations. the quote is self explanitory and to the point.

as for the fate of this blog and its upkeep, my experience in greece has not ended it is only on a hiatus. so upon my return i will try to find interesting things to add to keep you all entertained. i look forward to seeing everyone and answering all of the questions that i can.

peace love and happiness
"fight for every breath and tell death to go to hell" che



K said...

Can't wait to see you. Bring your bike in for a tune up. Oh, and bring an extra helmet this time.

Res ipsa loquitur

Sarah said...

My sentiments exactly K!
Can't wait to see you!!!