Thursday, July 23, 2020

7 Months of 2020 In The Books

i found that i have not posted since last November, so i thought that i would do my usual dump. this time though, i put the pictures in order, as much as i could. 
this is from back at the New Year, all together before Georgia left for England.
Emily's all time favorite meal is fish soup. she orders it whenever she can, and asks for it no matter the location
hair cuts are a big deal, this one came with a busted lip (not the fault of the hair dresser)
winter ice climbing with Iordanis. i don't do very much, but it is a fun diversion
winter weather in Sofia
staying warm and happy
drying off by the fire
Christopher is a friend from Thessaloniki. he and his family came up to Sofia for a visit 
 Emily cranking at the climbing gym
beautiful frozen waterfall on Vitosha
ice skating for the first time, that was pretty fun
getting creative teaching stroke technique
my HOGS class built and maintained a pretty successful hydroponics system

family in the spring
and so it began
we were trying to figure out how to socially distance and have bday parties.
Artemis at her desk for school work during quarantine. She did so well
a fun picture that Artemis used for one of her assignments. 
not even quarantine can stop our annual Easter Egg Hunt. thank you uncle Adam and aunt Leanna for sponsoring

 Emily turned 4 this year

the girls put together a wonderful date night for Eleftheria and i during quarantine. we had a wonderful day. 
our friends Rob and Carmen left for South Korea at the end of the school. Not before we got in a bunch of hike and time to hang out.  
 Both of these shots are from the meadows on top of Vitosha.

now we are in Greece enjoying a quiet summer trying to avoid too many people and too much running around


Karen and Pat said...

Oh my...wonderful overview of your year so far. The blogs are so nice. I would do one but the only thing I have pictures of are flowers!! Looking forward to the next installment.

MissG_ said...

I saw this post very late I guess...but I really enjoyed it! Thank you for it!
I loved your 4 seasons family portraits. And sometimes I forget how wonderful it is that my nieces have a great teacher for Dad!!
Thank you Ian!
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