Sunday, May 28, 2017

A few Photos

we were back out at Artemis' friend's house where she got to ride a tractor and another horse riding lesson

a new purchase for the house in the village means comfy swing-time on the patio.
 Artemis and Emily both grew out of their car seats, so Emily moved into Artemis' old seat, very exciting.
the family pack mule
this is a photo from the same park where Emily's part was held. we were there a week early to scope out the area, but once again it rained on us. we hid underneath this ancient arch. 


Patrick said...

Looks like Artemis is becoming quite the horse rider! Love Emily's smile!

Karen and Pat said...

The girls are both growing and changing so quickly! The horseback riding appears to be a big hit and another new car seat!? Is Artemis big enough for a booster seat yet? Give everyone our greetings.

K said...

Tractors and horses and swings and dad and bikes! That kid rides it all!