Saturday, April 15, 2017

This Post Brought To You By Adam and Leanna

none of this would be possible without the contribution of a replacement camera from Adam and Leanna.

i don't know if anyone is familiar with Casey Neistat, but he is a film maker and vlogger on Youtube. he is a proponent of having your camera equipment at the ready in order to catch any moment; however, even he admits that this leads to a lot of accidents.

now there are a lot of differences between myself and Mr. Neistat, not the least of which is that he is a world famous film maker and makes millions of dollars, while I do not, but where we are similar is that I too broke my camera, well not so much me, but my daughter, and it was not taking some magnificent picture, it was simply sitting on the shelf, but I think you understand what i am getting at . . .

anyways, Leanna and Adam hooked us up with a couple of there old cameras, one of which is super similar to the one that i lost in Rhodes just before eleftheria and i got married, a solid little unit that takes good pictures.

so, a HUGE THANK YOU! with all the fixin's goes out to you both. I have started saving for the camera that i really want, but it seems like there are so many things that I am saving for that i never really save any for anything.

Emily really likes the airplane as well, and Artemis is waiting for time and space to fly her balsa wood flier.

 a non kid pic. they don't happen too often.

 that hair, those eyes.

Elefteria has really gone all in on the easter egg hunt. this year we have organized 2 highly successful runs. this is the second of the two with Stratos Vangelis Artemis and Vassilis. I have been around since the birth of all of these kids, crazy to see them grow up so fast.
especially this one

yesterday we went up the mountain. mom dad and keith, if you all remember this is the trail-head that we hiked up. Artemis hiked for 2 hours uphill, it was amazing, she went first, never whined or complained and hiked on her own
 Emily was pretty psyched too, and slept or looked around all the way up.
Morpheus style
 that way!
 kinder break
Artemis was a chatter box all the way up, talking and singing, made me out of breath just listening to her
Artemis took this photo with the new camera. at the top of our hike we sat for a picnic and rest. we had come high enough to hit the first hints of snow.

after 3 hours of hiking 2 up 1 down, we went to our friends' place to hang out and drink raki while artemis played with their daughter. We then drove all the way home to find what seemed like the whole neighborhood taking part in the church parade for the easter weekend. So, we joined in. That is the picture that we shared with the family last night. Artemis made it all day without a nap until she crashed in bed at 11:30.

so much fun! thank you adam and leanna. 


Adam said...

Awesome! Glad they made it to you guys safe and sound. We wrote a card too but somehow it didn't make it in the box!
They're nice cameras but they were just sitting here collecting dust, sadly. Very happy you can get some use out of them, with the added benefit of more blog posts and photos hopefully!

K said...

Fantastic post, ian. Love the Morpheus style! I'm looking so forward to seeing a collection of Artemis's photographs. Can't wait to see what the world looks like from her perspective.

Karen and Pat said...

Ian, what a wonderful blog! The girls, all of them, are beautiful!