Sunday, December 28, 2014

A Quick Christmas Post

some happy girls out for a walk.
these kind of pictures always remind me of some fairy-tale or other.
ready for a full table.
for the last week or so, maybe 2? i don't know. artemis has been eating basically from the table. she had goat for the first time and liked it, ate vegitables, sausage, potatoes, the works, it has been pretty fun. she really eats everything and will probably eat all the time if we let her.
she is killing the silverware situation too, no more food facials every-time she eats.
this is the shot down the street towards the port. i have multiple versions of this, a couple from each year, I love the confusion of the whole situation.
this is another one of the shots like the one above, I don't know how many times i've taken it. but it jumps out at me a couple times a year.  

i hope you all had a wonderful holiday. we had dinner with the family on christmas day, and then took aristidis and eveangelia for a drive into the forests of chalkidiki, ending up for a great coffee, and a grilled dinner that was surprisingly good.  

here's to a wonderful new year full of excitement.  

(artemis' birthday post is down below if you are interested)


Karen and Pat said...

My comments are reversed because for whatever reason the one I left yesterday didn't post...anyway, the birthday pictures are so cute. I love the last one. the 2 little ones are so darn cute. I would love to have watched Eleftheria take that cake from Point A to Point B :) I didn't take any pictures :( I hope your Dad has some so we can post at some point. Love you all so much. PS - made Christmas Bank deposits from us and G'm H

K said...

Two posts in quick succession. You must have some free time on your hands. It's great to have a break, eh; even from jobs that we love. We enjoyed catching up with you all on skype yesterday. Hopefully there won't be as much time between this call and the next. Enjoy the rest of your holiday.

Adam said...

Great posts! I can't believe how fast Artemis is growing up. I'm sure it crazy for you to watch her learn new things all the time. We were just looking at pictures of her from the summer and she was so much more of "baby" just 6 months ago. So glad you're getting some time to relax. Keep the posts coming!
