Sunday, December 28, 2014

A Quick Christmas Post

some happy girls out for a walk.
these kind of pictures always remind me of some fairy-tale or other.
ready for a full table.
for the last week or so, maybe 2? i don't know. artemis has been eating basically from the table. she had goat for the first time and liked it, ate vegitables, sausage, potatoes, the works, it has been pretty fun. she really eats everything and will probably eat all the time if we let her.
she is killing the silverware situation too, no more food facials every-time she eats.
this is the shot down the street towards the port. i have multiple versions of this, a couple from each year, I love the confusion of the whole situation.
this is another one of the shots like the one above, I don't know how many times i've taken it. but it jumps out at me a couple times a year.  

i hope you all had a wonderful holiday. we had dinner with the family on christmas day, and then took aristidis and eveangelia for a drive into the forests of chalkidiki, ending up for a great coffee, and a grilled dinner that was surprisingly good.  

here's to a wonderful new year full of excitement.  

(artemis' birthday post is down below if you are interested)

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Artemis' First B-Day; A Little Late

a balloon wonderland
 "I can't handle all of these balloons!!!"
 catastrophe averted, in extraordinary fashion i might add. well done.
 glacial lake anyone?
it is always difficult to decide what to wear at a december birthday party.
wow, that is a lot of puzzles. hopefully she will grow to be a good problem solver.
full cuteness activate!
a place to call her own, with unicorns no less.
reading to the group.
so, we thought we were going to have a quiet party in the village with just family, but all of artemis' friends worked their magic and made it out to turn our little get together in to quite the shindig.
this is artemis' best friend in the village. she lives next door and they play together nearly everyday.
this is artemis' best friend in thessaloniki.
no  birthday is complete without a little cake to the face.
artemis is crying, but only because the party is ending. on the left is eleftheria's god son, and that is his new brother on the right.
"smell my foot! seriously, smell it."

thank you for all the well wishes, love and gifts. it has been a pretty crazy year, here's to a bunch more. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

A Day In The Center

man the blue sky was amazing. it has been raining basically non stop for the last 2.5 weeks or so. saturday was a wonderful break.
 artemis is getting big, but never seems to run out of cute outfits. here she is killing it in her blue tights
 she has started sleeping with her stuffed animals; it has to be one of the cutest things ever.
 haven't taken a lot of city shots lately, always looking down. this was however, is of one of the most impressive city pieces i have ever seen in person.
 seems to be a regular stop on the weekends, this is koki's market again. he has a little chair that artemis really likes, and it gives us a chance to do some shopping rest and say hey.
 eleftheria really liked the proportions here. i gotta admit it came out pretty cute.
 she is fearless. this was really fun, we played with the birds and the kids for a good while.
a wonderful saturday downtown during a rare sunny spell. Love you all.