Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Quick Artemis Post

 welp, we are closing in on the one year mark. and i gotta say, it is happening a lot faster than i would have ever expected. artemis is now walking, climbing, and has her opinions.
 we take her pretty much everywhere, and she is pretty flexible as long as we giver her good food.
 it is a bit early for coffee in my opinion, but she already has a taste for it, and we have to be mighty careful about where we leave our cups.
good food? (this is not artemis)


Karen and Pat said...

I LOVE the picture of Artemis and
Eleftheria! Thanks for the post!

Sarah said...

Looking good over there! Well except for whatever that last picture is of... some kind of fish??? Congratulate Artemis on her mastery of motor skills for us! High five!!!

LeAnna said...

Keep 'em comin'! Love you guys!

MissG_ said...

I have a question dear bro-in-law, you thought that your green-yellow-orange shoes were so great so you decided to buy similar for Artemis? Good choice!

K said...

Ok. I give up. What kind of beast lies slain in your sink?