Friday, October 31, 2014

Like a Personal Photo Shoot 24/7

 cute outfit. looks familiar, hmmm.
 gotta post the family pics when they come.
 pre-night race. 5k real fun.
 post race. Artemis and i ran for A21, check'em out. super cool ngo
 it was chilly.
 i love having a reading corner.
 chillin' downtown at Koki's supermarket.
 chillin' in the sink cabinet.
 gettin' her tunnel on.
and as always. 


Karen and Pat said...

too cute! She looks different every time we see her :-) I love
the shot in the cabinet. We tried
to Skype you when G'ma was here this evening, but missed you - another time :-)

Adam said...

Fun times! That's a great family photo, too.
I should be more or less this next week so we'll definitely have to Scype soon. Also, I know its a ways off but I'd like to make it out your direction over Spring Break. Let me know the dates ASAP.