Monday, July 28, 2014

A Big Summer Is Not Yet Over

it is kind of a weird situation when you hear through the grapevine that there are people out there that you never new even looked at your blog once, much less followed it, that are now mad that you haven't posted in a . . . well, lets call it 'a while'.  thank you all for following along, i would do it even if you weren't all here, but the comments make it all the better. 

so it has been some time again. i was contemplating doing multiple posts, but i also had housework to do, so i uploaded the pics all at once, and thought that it would be just as easy to put up one big one.

once again, thanks to apple, it is all in chronological order starting on June 14th (picture 1), and ending on July 28th (picture number 75).

 it all started with a plane ride. this is artemis bundled in what i can only call the miracle in the sky.
 it is a bassinet that locks into the wall where the bulk-head seats of the airplane are. these seat, now that i know, are reserved for, first those with handicapps, second geriatrics in wheelchairs, and lastly, those traveling with infants.
 boy did we get lucky. artemis slept nearly the whole time. here though it looks like she might have been drink the children's dimetapp (did anyone else know how to spell that?).
 here we are in phili. that rug she is laying on, yeah, eleftheria designed and made that, with some sewing help from mom. she is trying to make it a bit of a buisness. check out the facebook and etsy pages we put together at:
we are pretty psyched about how it turned out, and artemis really enjoyed it while we were traveling.

a day after we arrived in medina, adam and leanna showed up. with supreme gusto, they dove right into the thick of things.
so, now that you are both pros, artemis needs some extended family.
i picked up this sweet backpack carrier on steepandcheap, a steal. artemis loved it immediately and found my long hair a nice touch.
 i think that the great grandparents were pretty psyched. i am so lucky to have such wonderful family to share all of this with.
chillin with grandpa R. you better start practicing your arm-wrestling soon, she is getting strong.
looking especially glam with grandma H.
we did the super american thing and went to a flea market. it was just about every adjective i can think of all at once. i found this shot especially descriptive.
mastering the art of eating.
if there is no hair to pull on the head, pull the stuff on the face.
adam and leanna had provided artemis with a harness at birth, so, what better time to try it out than at 7 months old, it actually fit pretty well.
artemis is pretty stoked on extreme sports. she didn't have too much to complain about.
 in fact. she found it to her liking. a new style of the airplane game.
let's crush some stone.
she also really likes to swing, i mean really likes it. no, you don't get it, she really likes it.
she also took a special liking to uncle adam. who can blame her.
this is a really nice path that was built in medina. i am not much for pavement, but i have to admit that it provides a nice surface for the masses to experience blue jays, dear, groundhogs, bunnies, birds and trees.
we went for a jaunt up to the cleveland aquarium for a day trip. it was really nice. a bit expensive for something that she will never remember, but it was fun for us.
here she is a johnny mango's doing her best smeagol impression.
we now have 6 teeth. needless to say, stuff goes in the mouth.
 you need this more than i do.
she likes the extreme life. she has good balance and is calm in all situations.
did i mention that she likes to swing. zoom in and you see that she has perfect technique.  

 as all good climbers know, one hand and facing the camera makes for a great cover photo.
 but at some point you gotta just throw down.
 went down to columbus to see cory and laura's new digs and had the pleasure of hanging out with the other harrington clan for a while. peekaboo through the window is thrilling.
we took a walk through german village in columbus and wondered why everyone didn't live in houses with gardens like those.
grandma cressmen showed off her guns as she contained the pure energy that is artemis.
even pure energy has to be re-charged, but with style.
we returned to greece (san awesome airplane seat). everyone was tired.
 screw doctors orders, standing is better than sitting.
she seemed to have missed her friends dearly.
did i mention we were all a bit tired.
well it is about time to re-structure the kitchen, pots and pans up high.
i don't know anymore. just cute.
we went camping, and swimming, both for the first time, at the same time. this is literally the first time it. a bit apprehensive at first but, she has a combination of harrington and patsika blood so . . . .
sea sun and water is a no brainer.
she also crushes at camping, we had a great set up. she slept all night.
it rained all of day two, so we practiced our tricks. i figure that if her career as progressive environmental activist doesn't pan out, then i will be just as happy with cirque du soleil. i am just kidding she'll be a world renowned architect or an astrophysicist.
a new piece to our essential parenting kit. the sun tent was a major score. it works perfectly and allows us extended hours at the beach.
ahhh . . . possibly my favorite scene ever.
wow this stuff is awesome.
yes matching hat, swimsuit and floaty; she is from thessaloniki after all.
the camping spot was awesome, busy but quiet at the same time, with full shade and flat ground. artemis dug it.
 a rare day at home.
a rare picture without artemis. this is eleftheria and georgia with their god son vangelis down on the paralia. he is just under a year and a half, so different from where we are developmentally and yet so close when i think about time.
we look pretty good.
wow. the gang of girls at haroula's wedding. everyone had such a great time, it was really fun to see everyone together.
tomato and bread? don't mind if i do.
if you blow up the picture you'll see that this beautiful young lady, danai, is holding a kritsini (like a sesame stick), you will also notice that artemis would really like to have it, and yes, she did grab it, but it was kindly returned.
book, bookshelf, armchair and stool put to good use. artemis is a big dr. seuss fan; who isn't? but this pop-up abc book is also pretty killer.
did i mention that she likes to swing?
a simple rig at the climbing gym made for a great experience. she was so good at the gym. eleftheria and i got in a full two hour session.
though the front loops are more practical for climbing, she definitely prefers the super man.
we made up a little spot for her over in the corner of the gym, and she played a cheered us on, i for one needed the support.
we crashed our friends' honey-moon in marmara and were able to spend another great day at the beach, along with a trip to a cool old village and a cocktail at ethnic.
not quite a swing . . .
but good enough.
so this is a super cool little village called parthanonas. beautiful houses with great yards and flowers and doors and and and . . .
i don't know what it is about these old fixer-uppers they are still pretty some how, and i feel like they must have some great stories.
zoom in for some gardening tips. beautiful.
well that was just a gimmie.
half green half red, pretty tricky.
pomegranates in the sunset.
both babies spent a late night out at the bar, no worse for the wear it seems. the music is really relaxed and it was a warm evening.
artemis is a big fan of lighting design. i am pretty proud of this shot, marco helped out a lot.
we spent a morning back in silata and the evening in thessaloniki, then we headed off to kavala, for climbing. since i had strained the tendon in my arm earlier it the week, it quickly when from first climbing trip in 3 months to a wonderfully relaxing weekend at the beach.
i think that papa bob would have been proud.
while in kavala we took advantage of our proximity to philipi to see an ancient play in an ancient theater. we saw, the persians by aeschylus. it recounts the persians defeat in salamina. xerxes' hubris got on the nerves of the gods and his army was destroyed. forced to retreat, the play is told from perspective of the persian nobles and xerxes' mother atossa. it was an amazing experience, a packed audience and a fantastic performance. 
artemis slept for the first 20 minutes and then sat quietly for the next hour on our laps'. the only time she made noise was when she got excited by the music or the lights, she smiled, stood up and shook her arms. it was so wonderful.

a bit of slack-line at the beach is just what the family needed, but i think that artemis has an advantage because the line is wider than her foot, i might have the upper hand though since i can walk. we'll see. 
the duck towel signals the end of another great summer day.  

i would like to pretend like i won't let another post wait so long, but august is getting crowded and i'd rather spend my time with my wife and child than with the computer, so no such promises. i hope that this will tide you over for a bit, and i look forward to reading all of your new posts soon. 

peace love and happiness.  


Karen and Pat said...

Well, that was a wonderful overview of your summer so far! It was fun to go back and see the shots from your visit and even more fun to see what you have been up to since you got home. May the coming days be filled with new adventures and much joy.
Much love xxx ooo Mom

Adam said...

So many great photos and captions! Thanks for posting we literally laughed and smiled reading the whole thing.

Unknown said...

What a special summer for Artemis first. Wonderful pictures--so much fun in pictures. I love you all--and with a special spot for
Artemis, all her own, in my heart.

Grandma Nancy

LeAnna said...

I love everything about this post. I know you don't want to spend your time doing this, nor should it be your priority, but we really, really do appreciate them! You have such and awesome little family. Soak up the fun before the work begins! Love to all of you!


K said...

Very nice collection of photos. You guys had a VERY busy summer! I'm glad we got to be even a small part of it.