Friday, March 14, 2014

More and More Important

this is a comment that i read on youtube video referring to a speech by adam savage. 

Regarding the first audience question, I think one thing is that many of the interests that girls have a higher chance of having, not meaning to be generalizing, but e.g. perfume, make-up, horses etc. are almost never presented as sciences. While things that boys might have a higher chance of being interested in, such as rockets, cars etc. very much are.
The interest in science among girls might increase if the part of their interests that is built upon science would be shown for what it is, instead of always being abstracted away to create a more "romantic" image for marketing purposes.    

 i really hope i can pull this off.  i can speak from experience now, that it is ridiculously difficult to avoid gender stereotypes.  reading this i am not sure that i necessarily have to.  

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Anything For A Smile

so, we have a couple of videos.  i thought that since some of you had never seen her, it might be cool to hear her voice, and see her move.  

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Car Baby Family Hit the Mountain

Artemis was geared up and waited patiently in the new car.  she got rid of her infant padding in her car seat; she felt that she was too old and mature for that baby stuff.
 when do we leave?
 it was a beautiful day on the mountain; though at times rainy.
 artemis loves the wrap.  she snuggled in and stayed nice an warm for our hike.
 flowers are in bloom.
 super cool cave tunnel underground secret thing.  cool!
 i wasn't allowed to go any further with the baby strapped to my chest.  i'll have to wait for next time.
 full symbiotic baby mode.  it is a funny look, but she is happy so.
 the car has made family time super awesome
 the long and winding road.
 sleeping in the car.  personally one of my top 3 favourite places to sleep.
 the face smile.  wow . . . i mean really
a quick change of clothes and she is ready for coffee with mom in the centre.

the ability to go where you want, when you want, with whomever you want; that is the grand success of the personal car.  it is more money that we can really afford, but when it can give you a day like today, nothing else really matters.  

Getting Older, Adding Debt, Carrying More

my first mode of transport.  now missing wheels, no break pads, and needs more work than i originally paid for it.
my second mode of transport.  leaking fuel pump, melted radiator, and desperately needing break pads.  
our new ride.  2012 Skoda Fabia Diesel.  we all fit.  no problems

ACMUN 2014

 so, for the past 5 years, i have made a deal with my students that i will shave my beard and moustache completely if they get a best delegate award at ACMUN. this year:

  • 3x best delegates
  • 2x chairs (these are individuals that lead an individual committee. they are selected through an interview and tryout procedure)
  • 1x PGA (this is the president of the general assembly. s/he is the person that runs and organises the conference, and chairs the largest committee, the general assembly)
overall our most successful year ever.

yes, i cut myself. yes, i have serious razor burn, yes it is the first time a razor has touch my face for a year, yes i do know how to shave.

Congratulations Pinewood MUN!

My 3 Month Old Sleeps All Night, Does Yours?

blue cute
ducks cute
flower cute
like mother like daughter cute
frogs cute
white cute
blue cute
getting to big for my bed cute

this is one of our favourite lullabies.  very dark and sad, but so many are; have you ever listened to the entire 'My Darlin' Clementine'?

so, i have begun taking pictures every morning as i leave for work.  i tried to only post a couple, but,  as you can see, they're all cute so. . . there you go.