Wednesday, October 23, 2013

MIA Posters

random day with nice clouds
dimitri's son.  man do they grow fast.  he is super precocious.  as an adult, you are only a vehicle for quicker transport to things he finds interesting. 

we found this massive oriental rug on the side of the road.  it was being thrown away, but we salvaged it for the new office/play room/escape/storage/future climbing gym/future work-shop that is our basement.  super heavy and i had to walk it across town.
they have recently opened up this sub ground-level area of the roman agora downtown.  super cool.  the city has built a pleasant underground museum as well, it is really beautiful, with cool exhibits and a very nice theater for talks and presentations.

so, between adam being in alaska, keith's new job and master's work, leanna and sarah cranking away at work, mom lost in the wilderness, and dad enjoying his alone time, there has been a serious dry spell in the posting.

i thought that i would take a minute to procrastinate a little longer on my own master's work and pop up a quick post of random picks.  not much new, all is well.  can't wait until everyone is back in posting mode so that i have some new things to look at.  enjoy


Karen and Pat said...

Awesome post!! I think that your new rug is totally awesome and the very best price you can possibly get. I am sitting in the airport writing to you and talking to your dad. Promise to post tomorrow. We will talk soon, OK? Love you, Karen

Ian said...

I know that you live far away, and I am sorry for that, but you can still sign off as MOM. You still count

Adam said...

Nice post Ian. It was so nice chatting with you and Eleftheria the other week. Hope you're staying sane with all your activities!

Karen and Pat said...

Ian - I think that came from being with my sisters and nieces. Was also seriously multi tasking when I was writing also. I realized it JUST as I was hitting the send button and it was too late. Yeah, please don't start calling me Karen - that would make me sad... Had an uneventful flight home, although, I am not a fan of those tiny jets...just a little too cozy for a 5 hour flight. MOM
PS - is the carpet in decent condition??

LeAnna said...

I love the pics! I had to chuckle at the ones of you carrying a rug on your head across the city!