Friday, September 6, 2013

Back To Work and The Economic Crisis

welp, the school year got off to a rip roarin' start on wednesday.  as usual i have kept up the family tradition of the first day shoot.  as mom is not working and keith is not teaching, i have to hold up the flame all by myself for a while.  no worries, i look good enough for everyone.  
as you know we are in the middle of a crisis over here. while ya'll are whippin' up another war, we didn't have a scale to measure out our mint for the homemade pesto that eleftheria wanted to make.  so, mr. inginuity to the rescue.  through my mastery of both simple machines and gravity, i cooked up a makeshift balance and got to work.  

a bit more than half a chocolate bar . . .
uh oh!  a lot less than a can of tuna . . .
ahhh, Okay.  just about perfect.  roughly equal to 100g of a 74% cacao chocolate bar (yeah, we have a lot of chocolate).
the pine-nuts you ask?  a bit over the 71g garlic powder shaker.
my measurements must have been spot on as we ended up with two beautiful vases of dark rich green pesto.  can't wait for pesto chicken pasta.
hope that you are all doing well and having fun.  the new blog is linked to the right and going strong if you are interested.  

love luck and lollipops


K said...

Hahaha! That's awesome, all around! Way to put your genius to work. I'll trade you a quart of pickles for a jar of pesto!

Ian said...

Deal! We have to work on our bartering skills since our money is in crisis.

Karen and Pat said...

Nice scale buddy!! I need 1 jar of pesto, 1 jar of pickles AND a scale. You all can have your pick of the garage sale left overs...still have some good stuff - but had great success -
+ $500.00! love you all :-)