Monday, September 16, 2013

After The Weekend!

i walked into my classroom today, and behold, a mounted projector with iTV.  let the fun commence.  

so, we had another vaftisi this weekend; however, this time we were involved, super involved.  eleftheria and georgia served as co-godmothers.
 so, eleftheria got to work quickly
this is the bottle that she made to hold the oil.  the theme of the vaftisi was boats; thus, this is the light house for said boats.
here you can see the candle that she put together.  the candle is traditional, and eleftheria bought a plane white one.  she then when super awesome on it and created everything else you see here (she bought the wood boat that she attached to the candle).  she stitched the bow together out of the blue fish net stuff and some of the burlap from our wedding, then tide and pinned the blue twine and attached to boat securely.  a-m-a-z-i-n-g .  i told eleftheria she should get into the business, the candle alone, if we found one decorated like this, would cost around 90 euros.  
 beautiful day for some devil killing.
 all hands on deck. mom god-mothers and priest.
normally this is a rather traumatic experience where the baby cries the whole time, and i just repeat in my head that i will never do this; however, this time around it was casual, if not enjoyable.  the newly named evangelos treated it like bath-time.  he giggled and splashed the whole way through.
 the girls were gorgeous as always.
xristos and i capped of the day skating down the sidewalk out in the village.

it was another quick weekend.  my master's has started, i have 25 students signed up for forensics and 30 for mun which both start this week as well. parents' night on wednesday and a load of essays to grade round out my week.  woohoo!

1 comment:

Karen and Pat said...

Ian - great post!! Eleftheria, I LOVE the candle and bottle. I don't know much about this tradition, but I agree with Ian, I think you should set up shop. How nice that the event was festive and fun for the little one. Georgia looks good. Can't wait to see everyone!! Congrats on the projector - you will LOVE it.