Friday, August 16, 2013

Ohio: Part 5 (Actually From Ohio)

the grandparents threw eleftheria a wonderful baby shower with all the fixings.  mom was so proud of her cut flower centre pieces, i just had to post a couple.  they really were wonderful.

these are probably my favourites.
we really had a wonderful time.  the party was great and the hostesses were simply wonderful.  picture here are four generations (if you include the unborn).
eleftheria took up residence in dad's shop as she worked on her glass piece (pictures to come).  the drawing aspect was wonderful, but the intricate cutting proved to be maddeningly frustrating.  No worries though, with dad on her side the piece was completed.
it was really cool to see her back in a bit of her own environment, drawing and creating.
despite my yearly wish i continue to get older and older, this year was number 28.  crazy.  it was a cool party though, very low key.

the highlights were that eleftheria made a super tasty berry cake, and i didn't burn my beard off as i blew out the candles.
so we are beginning to pack to head for home.  this bag is filled with baby stuff alone.  CRAZY.  so we have three check bags (yes that is one more than we are allowed) weighing in at 22, 24 (yes 1 kg over), and a stroller that clocks in at around 20 kilos.  then we have two carry ons that are closing in on checked bag weight and eleftheria's new purse looks like she is going to need a new one as soon as we get to greece.
all these guys waited very patiently as we tried to find space for them.  sadly some will have to wait for my parents to arrive in december.
so . . . this is about as good as it gets these days.  as if i needed more to do, i am going back to school for my master's this year.  this is a photo that eleftheria took so that I could submit something for my student id card.  my beard appears to favour the right side of my face, my teenage acne is still problematic, and my hair is at a weird stage theses days . . . eh, whatever.
in the closing days i have been seeing important people one last time.  steven came over and we spent a solid 4 or 5 hours around a fire chatting and telling stories.
it has been such a wonderful trip.  it was so great to see so many people and to actually spend enough time at home to relax.  school will start soon so the amount of posting is going to take a dive, but i will do my best to stay in touch and up to date.  

Love Luck and Lollipops


Karen and Pat said...

Ian- I love how you blogged the summer and all of our travels and activities! There really are no words for how wonderful it was to have you and Eleftheria "home" for the summer. I hope it is the first of many. We are looking forward to our visit in December.
Enjoy your homecoming! Love, Mom

Adam said...

it was great hanging out with you guys this summer! good luck and enjoy the upcoming adventures.

K said...

Great shots, brother! It was great to see you guys. I wish you all the very best and look forward, impatiently,to our next visit.