Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ohio: Part 3 (All From NY)

 so, eleftheria and i set off for another busy weekend.  we started on thursday driving to ithaca to see keith and sarah, then headed into ny city for a quick visit with artemis and returned to ithaca before driving home tuesday.
 we met keith and sarah on thursday at ithaca brewery for dinner.  they have a wonderful outdoor patio with a pretty cool bottle display that creates a privacy screen.
 the patio is surrounded by farm land and trees, it was a beautiful evening and really great food.

 our first night in ny city took us to brooklyn for the first time.  we partied with some of artemis' friends on a hotel rooftop.  it was a rainy evening so the view was not as impressive as it could have been, but manhattan, behind us, was still pretty impressive.
 we ate a bunch (in my opinion, and not a complaint).  this is one of the spots that we hit.  a little vietnamese place.  the service was a bit rough, but the loud gangsta rap and good food completely made up for it.
 we went to the met (don't believe the website, tickets are on a name-your-own-donation basis).  it is a crazy huge museum.  the roof has a really cool exhibit right now.
 the beard is getting big.  it almost pushes eleftheria out of the pick.
 artemis is a great tour guide.  here we are in china town, she was explaining the history of the gangs of ny situation.  super cool
we found free day and night parking in the city.  AWESOME!!!  the down-side, it took us 1.5 hours to cover 5 blocks to get off the island.  wow . . . 
 back in ithaca.  this is one of the many waterfalls in the area, very nice.  absolutely beautiful.
 we ate at agava.  really nice restaurant.  pretty cool art on the wall.
keith and sarah are some of the best people ever.  it was such a wonderful trip.  we have been to the east a lot this trip.  it is our plan to go west next time around, hope it will all work out.  

1 comment:

LeAnna said...

I like all the updates. Even though I was there for "1" and "2" it's still cool to see the pics. Thanks for everything this summer and hopefully see you guys on the other side of the Rockies next year!
