Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Me Too, Me Too!

 one of the most important things i have done for myself.  i read my own book.  i am on a kadare kick recently.  an albanian writer, he writes historical pieces with very modern themes.  very cool.
 there seemed to be a very large population of spiders this year.  really big, and really cool.
 still lots of goats.
 lots of crazy big grasshoppers too.  really cool.

 i burned myself as usual.  i didn't climb very hard in general, but this was one of my harder sends.  amazing.

 the kalymnos rest.
 knee bar, knee bar, knee bar
 we went to a bunch of really out-of-the-way sectors this time around.  we found some beautiful lines and avoided the easter climbing crowds.
 great pic by my good friend marco
 i traveled and climbed with four good friends.  Plousia, Efi, Xristos, and Marco
this is a friend, dimitri, who came later on in the trip.  his dog kept us safe from the very dangerous goats.

went for another fantastic trip to kalymnos.  the island is one of my all time favorite places on earth.  we had wonderful weather, met many many many very nice people, and, of course, got to climb.  now it is back to work for a few weeks before leaving for the states; can't wait.


LeAnna said...

It looks like you had a great time! I love that dog photo, the spiders not as much however :) See you soon!

Karen and Pat said...

Great pictures as usual. You appear to be a giant in the pic with your friends! See you soon too.

Karen and Pat said...

ohhhh...that is one awesome spider. was it as big as it looks? looks like some pretty awesome climbing...counting the days :>)