Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Wow, Food Post

yet another post of food.  not sweets this time though.  eleftheria and i worked together to make our own raviolli over the weekend, and then she busted out the real talent on tuesday for a fish dish.

 eleftheria bought a pomelo.  crazy fruit. if you cross it with an orange you get a grapefruit.  the thing was huge.  weird texture and it tasted like a cross between every citrus fruit all together with something a bit different added in.  
 fun with ravioli and my camera.
 artistic sepia

 takes fooorrrrreeeeevvvvveeeeerrrrr, but it tasted amazing.  spinach pasta filled with 4 cheeses, sun dried tomatoes and garlic. awesome. 

 stamped out one at a time.  it was a tedious process, but fun and rewarding.
 pot 'o' goodness. 
 eleftheria made a homemade sauce too which complemented nicely. 

  smashed peas, potatoes and broccoli
 i don't even know how to describe this pan full of amazing.
it turned out awesome. 


Adam said...

Yummy! I'll have some of that! I would like to order some more of those cookies too ;)

Karen and Pat said...

WOW!! With all the amazing cooks in the family, I can hang up my apron forever!! You will need a special suitcase of cooking implements when you come home. Which is in 111 days, by the way.

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