Sunday, November 11, 2012

Olives, Olives, and More Olives (And A Crazy Wasp)

 the olive harvesting season is dragging on a bit longer than usual.  eleftheria and i have spent a number of our weekends out in the village working with eleftheria's mom and dad.  this year, because of the size and quantity of the olives, a lot oil is being made.  currently i think that there is something like 1 metric tonne, which is about 1162 liter, sooo . . . 307 gallons, or a lot.  eleftheria snapped some action this weekend, so all props go to her, except the last one.

 i love this one. 
our hard work is often rewarded with food.  evagelia made some κολοκυθόπιτα (pumpkin pita) for adam and keith, but since it is difficult to package, she told me to eat it while i was thinking of them.  so, here's to you guys. 
that red is crazy.  nature is insane.  i just watched this nature documentary about a butterfly who's larva disguises itself as an ant larva to trick the ants into taking care of it, and a wasp that lays its egg inside the body of that butterfly larva, so that when the chrysalis finally breaks open it is not a butterfly that emerges, but a wasp instead.  crazy?!  i feel bad for the ants; imagine you were expecting a normal looking child (in this case, small black, six legs, so on and so forth) and then, BAM!!! a huge flying thing with a stinger appears  that hijacked your child's carcass that wasn't even yours to begin with. 
anyways, katerina and christos were the happy recipients of two new puppies, super cute and hopefully not hijacked by some crazy dog wasp (it really was crazy).  their names are Hercules and Alex; i'll let you guess who's is who's. 

it was a beautiful weekend, and after a week of late working nights, it was nice not to do any thinking.


Karen and Pat said...

Nice update. The dog I assume is Hercules looks much like Arlo did as a pup. Sorry I missed your call today. Take care, Dad

Sarah said...

Yumm! I am very happy to see all of that delicious olive oil! We'll have to trade... fingers crossed it looks like we are going to have A LOT of garlic next season!!! Miss you guys! Also, i made a new Parmesan herby potato gratin that keith said you would love, I'll have to make it for you sometime :)