Sunday, October 14, 2012

New Food, Searching for Chestnuts and Our God Son Turned 2

eleftheria has been trying a bunch of new recipes lately.  this one is a grilled chicken breast with an onion chutney thing, white wine baked carrots, and boiled squash with olive oil salt and pepper.  
we checked out our first 3d movie on our new tv.  MIB III; a great movie for 3d and fun overall.  the 3d kind of messes with the sub-titles.
 this was a good one too.  grilled salmon, fava, toasted bread and a spinach salad.
 we went out today to look for chestnuts up in the hills outside thessaloniki.  it was a great break.

 found this crazy little thing in the woods.  very alien in nature. 
 crazy amounts of lichen.

i lost my glove, and then, after some searching, found it.  i have a hard time keeping track of things in general, and finding things is a simple pleasure in my life.  a complete waste of energy and time.

 awesome sandwich while sitting under a tree. 

so, our god son turned 2 a couple of weeks ago.  we got him a motorcycle that turns on revs, brakes, honks, lights up and shakes.  pretty awesome. 
we got him the toy because he is pretty obsessed with my bike; he carried around my keys most of the night

eleftheria walked around with him as he took child view pics of the action. 
the aftermath in the play-room

my mind has been in kind of a weird place recently, so i thought that i would drop a post of some of the things that are making me happy these days.


Karen and Pat said...

Nice pictures - you God Son is a cutie. Sara's baby, Ella is adorable - wish I had taken some pics :-( Love the walk in the woods pictures. In my next life I think I will be a mycologist. I love you both - talk soon.

Sarah said...

Great post! Nice hair cut Ian!
I LOVE trying new recipes! My latest meals included a grilled tenderloin over sauteed apples and onions and a slow cooked beef minestrone. On my TO-COOK list is: Butternut squash mac n'cheese which is pretty exciting. I just ordered garlic to plant (because agway isn't selling garlic this year, :( ). Have you planted any yet? After doing some research i would recommend you find a "soft neck" variety to plant, this kind is better suited to your climate.
Hope to hear from you guys soon and hope you both are well! Sending our love from NY!

K said...

The hair cut you obtained betwixt the first photo and the last is admirable.

K said...

Since Sarah posted last, she did cook the butternut squash mac n cheese and despite my absent minded mistakes, it came out great! Keep on cookin'