Sunday, October 21, 2012

 this is by far the best part of my job.  reading.  especially when it happens on a sunday morning with coffee and cookies.  this is my second time teaching a farewell to arm and my first time tackling a piece by dostoyevsky.  they are challenging, deep, yet timeless and motivating.  i find that the kids are able to brag to their friends when they finish, it is something that is impressive.
 followed up my morning book read with a lunch out with friends. 
 i love this picture of her, the earring just makes it. 
the aftermath of lunch.  those mushrooms were as good as they look. 


Karen and Pat said...

Nice pictures - how I envy your coffee and lunch spots - not to mention a morning of reading good lit!! Nice to talk to you this past week...hope we can keep it up. I feel like we have found a workable time. Love you - talk soon :-)

LeAnna said...

i totally agree - love the earrings in that shot - and i like her new bangs!