Friday, September 2, 2011

I Had a Little Time

mountain village roof shingles
said mountain village

new tent
norm abram always told me to use my eye protection, but i didn't have my flannel work shirt around.

while working in my class today i had a little time to post some pics. stories later.


Karen and Pat said...

Nice pictures, as always. That is one cute baby. Is that who you and Eleftheria were buying gifts for at Christmas time?

Hope your first week back at school has gone well.

Karen and Pat said...

I still need to send me a copy of the photo of you and Eleftheria from the wedding.

Adam said...

I like the picture of the mountain village. Those buildings look awesome. One other thing, about the tent, it looks like it has the same design as the one I took to Spain. Remember how we had to push out the rain fly with sticks and rocks cause it would let water in where it touched on the ends? BAD design! You should see if you can put some grommets in to pull the fly out there.

Sarah said...

Good to hear from you again, and see some new pictures. Hope school is going well. How's your internet connection at home? We should set up a skype date soon. Things are good here, this weekend will be my 5th straight of visitors! I feel loved, makes time go by quickly but have been having a lot of fun. Miss you! Hope to talk to you soon!