Sunday, May 8, 2011

May 1st: Day in Silata

nieces and nephew of eleftheria. we are playing a game like london bridge . . . only different.
choosing teams.
learning the steps. this is xristos learning the steps to a dance called zebekia. it is amazing to me just how important the traditions are here.
1st of may flower crown
the other flower crown
super cute

we spent may 1st in the village with a bunch of eleftheria's family. it was really nice since i missed their easter celebration.


Anonymous said...

I'm always so jealous of your' awesome experiences! So are you making it back to Ohio this summer for sure?

Karen and Pat said...

Ian - you look wonderful with a May 1st flower crown! I haven't seen you with flowers in your hair for many years! Such fun! It was fun to talk to everyone one on Mother's Day. Vaneta and I had such a good time. Will post asap. Love, Mom