Sunday, May 22, 2011

Greek Island: Through the Lens of My Cell-phone

eleftheria and i went for a weekend trip to θασος, an island that is a half hour ferry ride from κεραμωτη. The trip was fantastic and while talking about it last night, we basically described every moment as one of our favorites; hiking, backgammon, swimming, and the sunrise.

we forgot two very important objects, one our headlamps (we camped) and two, my sd card for my camera. so, we couldn't see to make camp, and, more importantly, all of the following pictures are taken with the camera on my phone. eleftheria and i were both amazed by how old and grainy the pictures look and i wasn't going to post them because of the quality, but then i saw keith's pictures of the cow and thought, 'well, i guess old looking yellowish pictures must be trendy.' so here you go.

i always have to be serious when i am taking self portraits making me look even more ridiculous.
the island was absolutely beautiful. they have both mountain beach side villages, a unique feature caused by the need for pirate protection in the past, and tourist happiness in the present.
lots of ground water = lots of fountains and streams.
accidental picture of the sea that turned out nice.
the island has a certain norther california quality to it. the beach leads straight up into coniferous forests and exposed rocky peaks.

as usual, chickens, donkeys, dogs, cats, and goats.

this is our first installment of the local island posts. we are going to σαμοθρακη in a couple of weekends and we will post those pictures. Once those are up, mom and dad, you can decide where you would rather travel to the next time you com.

oh yeah, keith, your cow pictures are very nice.


K said...

Nice recovery, there. You better watch the snarky comments or I'll be forced to comment on your ridiculous qualification of the word unique.

Some of the i-phones can have apps that let you deliberately shoot photos in the style of the old brownie cameras. Good stuff.

Have fun on your island adventures, it looks amazing. I'll miss you on "our" island this year. It was great to surf with you last year. Maybe I can convince James to come out into the water with me.

Karen and Pat said...

WOW - So that is what a Greek Island looks like? You will have to stay at least through next summer.

Love you:-)