Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter Climbing Trip

this is my good friend and climbing partner tomasz. the drink is nescafe, an instant frappe mix; it is pretty nasty, but is is essential to any productive climbing trip.
yours truly.
back at petropigi, this is probably my favorite spot in northern greece, working a new rig. the climb is called mandragora (look up the word, pretty cool) and goes at 7c+. i one hung the route, so i am pretty psyched. when i send it will be my hardest send since apollo reed. i am pretty excited.

*thank you efi for wielding the camera.


Adam said...

Hey Bro! Awesome posts and pictures lately. That route looks SICK. You can do it...CRUSH IT!

Karen and Pat said...

Hey Ian, just checking in to say hi. I am waiting for Vaneta to get off work so we can head to NY for the weekend. Hope your week went well. Have a good weekend. Love you, Mom