Thursday, February 3, 2011

Notes from Denmark

The view from the window seat over austria.
copenhagen train station.
there are bicycles everywhere here. cars cost 4x the price they are in the states, and the people are taxed nearly 45% of their incomes! Perfect health care, great education system, wonderful infrastructure, and awesome public transportation.
Lines over trains
i don't know what this represents but it was very nice.
kromborg castle. kings and queens of the danes. amazing. definitely worth the while.
cannons are still in use. they used to have a sea tax. if someone wouldn't pay they would fire a warning shot out front. now they use it for celebrations; 40 shots for the princesses twins.
the largest ballroom in northern europe. huge.

cool stair.
covered bridge into the city of nyborg (pronounced 'nouborg').

traditional housing. the yellow one at the end is a traditional wood beam house.

power plant in the mist.
this is a student of mine and i walking down the beach outside the hotel.
this is us stripping to our shorts.
this is us running into the water. 1.7 degrees celcius; not too bad.
oh, yeah it is. this is me doing my best to get out of the water fast.
jumping jacks, warm the core.

we are having a great time. the conference is going well. i have more pictures and i'll post again later.


Sarah said...

WOW I LOVE the ballroom! Is it available for weddings?
Sweet pictures all around. The bicycle picture reminds me a lot of Amsterdam. Can't wait to see more!

Karen and Pat said...

Ian - what a spectacular set of pictures!! I am so glad that things worked out for you to go. I sure hope you are backing up your pictures.

Denmark ballroom!? Now THERE is a destination wedding!

Have much fun and keep the pictures coming. I LOVE the bicycle picture. Mom

K said...

What amazing experiences you're having! I'm so proud and happy for you. Keep up the great work, you're changing lives and enriching your own.

I can't wait to ride bikes with you again.
Your mountain biking buddy,

Adam said...

In the immortal words of AC/DC... "Who's got big balls, we've got big balls. We've got the biggest balls of them all!" That ballroom's got nothing on the ballrooms I work in!