Sunday, February 6, 2011

Couple of Artistic Shots

ceiling in the castle
these huge beach balls were sitting outside the window at the hotel
this wind farm sits out to sea. denmark sits between the north sea and the baltic sea and is one of the greener of the european countries.


Karen and Pat said...

Ian - I'll be showing that wind farm to my kiddos tomorrow! There continue to be plans for one in Cleveland....we'll see. Hope the kids had a life-time experience. Talk to you soon. Mom

K said...

Windmills make bats' lungs explode. Wah wah wah...

We're so doomed.

Glad you had a nice trip. I rode my horse today after reading McCarthy all morning. Was confused to not see the Sierra Madres rising up in front of me.

Karen and Pat said...

the good...the bad...the ugly. There is always a trade off. Choose your poison