Sunday, October 17, 2010

Christmas Break Plans

finally plans are coming together for christmas in ohio (i know, i am getting more and more exotic). it looks like eleftheria and i (yes you read right) will be flying into cleveland hopkins on christmas eve. and staying at mom and dad's place. i will be staying through the 9th of january and eleftheria will be in the states until the 2nd. we have a couple of plans, but for the most part should be around. i hope that all of our plans and schedules over lap so that we will have some time together.

Keith and Sarah- sorry about not coming first thing to ny but the timing and the logistics were just too complicated. i would, however, like to spend a couple of days on the home-front with you. i don't know if it will be when eleftheria is here or not, we'll see.

Adam and Leanna- when and how long will you be home? i will bring my stuff to climb, but don't know if our timing will work out and who knows about the weather. i just can't wait to see you both so no matter what happens it should be good. oh and adam, do you have access to any pro deals any more?

can't wait to see everyone. please let me know what your plans are and when we'll get to meet up.


Sarah said...

No worries, as long as we get to see you, where we see you matters little. I know it might be tough, but if you could come up while Elefteria is still here keith and i would both still be off of work. The week after she leaves is also when we go back to work. But we can work something out! I am so excited! Are you guys excited? See you soon buddy!

Adam said...

Hey Ian, not sure about exact dates yet but we should be around sometime between the 17th and the 31st or so. LeAnna's back to work on the 3rd? or whatever that monday is. Can't wait to see you guys!!!!

Karen and Pat said...

I am soo excited!! (As is your father, although he may not say as much). I would like to have an open house on Sunday evening, the day after Christmas. Think about who you would like to see. (Keith, Adam, Sarah, LeAnna also) The g'parents are really looking forward to you all being home and hoping to get in a bit more visit time than the last time!

K said...

post something new, kid.