Monday, September 13, 2010

Random Picture Post

a couple of picks left from kalymnos. i was later head-butted by this goat. seriously, i was headbutted by a goat.
this goat did not head-butt me.
petrini looking awesome. she needs some work now. getting fixed tomorrow
not petrini, thank goodness.
my best guess is that this is half of a water mine used to puncture the hulls of ships. it was in the middle of a small village being used as a trash can.
while in kalymnos, eleftheria and i took a day and went over to kos. this block was just laying on the sidewalk.
minarets are pretty uncommon in greece nowadays. surprising since muslims controlled the country for nearly 400 years.
when i was little i gave a flower like this to grandma harrington. it was not this big.
i have been to eleftheria's parents' house a couple of times now. the first time i forgot to take the camera, the second time i did not take pictures of the outside of the house. here is the staircase though. eleftheria designed the whole house by herself; pretty sweet.
there is a massive cave system near her parents' house. there were remains of an early hominid found inside. i have been trying to do some research about the area, but there are a lot of rumors about scientific and governmental cover-ups so i'll let you know more when i have all the info.
the weekend before i went back to school, eleftheria and i went to mt. olympus we sat in a stream for a while. gorgeous day.

these are quickly becoming my favorite posts. adam, i will go out on a photo shoot of thessaloniki this weekend and post next week.

for now, enjoy.


Sarah said...

Splendid pictures from start to finish! You never disappoint me! How is school? When can we talk? Maybe we could set up a skype date or something. We really miss you! Guess what... We got a wood stove! We will take pictures to show you. It wont be installed until october sometime but we are really excited! Maybe you can come and see it in december ;)
Love you!

Karen and Pat said...

Ian- great post! It was so nice to talk to you this afternoon (or mid-night, as the case may be) That flower picture - you got that for me - years ago. It died just this past winter - got the winter crud, some kind of sticky white stuff that I fight every winter on the porch. It is a bouganvillia (sp???) Beautiful plant! Miss you so ya!
PS Sarah, Keith - A Wood stove!! how totally cool. I knew you were hope to get one. Congrats. Hope it is in by the 13th!