Saturday, September 12, 2009

checking in and coming up

so, it has been a little while again. life is as busy as ever as the school year has begun and i have taken on new responsibilities at school and have picked up a new job. at school i was recommended and chosen to be a part of the leadership council, a group of six, including the director, that act as advisers to the director and assistant director. It is quite a bit more work during the week and i am not especially qualified to be a part of it, but the experience is invaluable and the discussion is stimulating. outside of school i have picked up 2 private lesson students. One is a student at anatolia, a greek private school with a very good reputation but little backing it, and the other is an 8 year old student from a greek public school. I am working with both in english and science (the little girl likes science and the older student needs help). it is a lot more work and requires a bit of prep, but i make a good bit of money and it will expedite the process of buying a motorcycle. that is all the news i have, nothing else really, just the usual.

now, since i have nothing else going on, and since i am very excited about having people come to visit me, i am going to write a couple of posts about traveling to greece, my own personal travel guide. hopefully it will entice you and make you want to come and visit me. that will start when i post again (so another words who knows when i will get around to it). i hope all is well and good in your world. please keep in touch and maybe i will too.


1 comment:

Καλλ1τέΧνη2 said...

" that is all the news i have, nothing else really, just the usual "
well, shame on you!!! have you forgotten the concert of the year that you attended?? murder by death!! :)