Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Comments on Hypothermia

as i am sure you are all very aware, keith was able to do stupid stuff in the water and not have any of his appendages fall off or succumb to hypothermia; unfortunately i am not sure that i will be as fortunate.

if you have been following the news you will have noticed that russia and the ukraine are having a little hissy-fit and in the mean time russia has cut off natural gas supplies to europe. of course each country blames the other for stealing, reducing, or otherwise tampering with the gas supplies. See what the big countries can do to the little counties? Kinda crazy . . .

well, greece obtains about 60 percent of its natural gas supply from russia, so either it will shut off or my prices will sky rocket. two days ago, when i did not know how to heat my apartment, this would not have been a big deal; unfortunately, i did figure it out and now my apartment is a very nice temp. while it is not frigid outside. it is not warm either; we are having a substantial cold snap that has effected most of eastern europe. well. . . we'll just have to wait and see.

. . . haha! more fun from the land of one thousand jollies, follies, and lick'em lollies

p.s. I forgot to report, and i think that it only made it to the b.b.c., a police officer in athens was gunned down. he did not die i don't think but i have not heard. . . i'll keep you posted.


Ian said...

ok sarah, i believe you; it just happened to make it back with you . . . that is not really cool. i mean isn't the person who receives the gift the one who gets to re-gift?

Ian said...

leanna, chatt sounds pretty cool. what is the teaching situation like, or will we not need to teach? can we build an airport so that i can travel?

Sarah said...

Well if you really liked the gift, I would imagine you would have kept better track of it, or at least wouldn't have left it in your brothers hands. Remember what happened to the gift Adam gave you last year? The jacket? I can't be held responsible for his thievery.
You could really use a jacket and scarf now it seems more than ever.
Stay safe, stay warm.

K said...

where are you? haven't heard from you in awhile. did you use the experiment that i sent you?

Anonymous said...

Just dropping in to say hi Ian

Love - Aunt B

Sarah said...

Looks like we are all eager for an update blog. Miss you! hope you are well. Write soon.

momK said...

ian-since you don't seem to be around today i hope you are out taking pics to momK

momK said...
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Anonymous said...

You didnt die from hypothermia did you? Fill the rest of us in.