Monday, December 8, 2008

Riot Day

I would first like to let everyone know that all is well, and despite my best efforts I have stayed out of trouble. The riots here in Greece have entered there fourth day and have spread to more cities. They were at there most intense yesterday and have tapered off today. The original issues stems from a police shooting that left a fifteen year old child dead in the street. The child was innocent of any wrong doing except for verbally harassing the police officer. Despite how the authorities are presenting the issue, it appears that the child was shot outright and almost point blank, 50 meters.

The original demonstrations were non-violent and in control; however, there are many other issues that have been brewing under the surface waiting for an outlet such as this. On top of this there is a very volatile group of people that express there anger violently, and, while they are a minority, it only takes a few of them to create trouble.

I have kept my head low and out of trouble, but the opportunity to witness a cultural event unlike any I am accustomed to was too enticing to keep away completely. I was present on Monday night and today (we did not have school) to take some pictures and see the happenings through my own eyes rather than just through the television. I have posted them along with a video of one of the marches.


Unknown said...

Hi! Its sarah. I e-mailed you at your kent address, can you still get to that e-mail?

Unknown said...

pain sevice??? where is the R?

Adam said...

Cool pictures Ian. Hope you're staying safe. See you in about a week!

Sarah said...

What are the travel plans?