Wednesday, October 29, 2008


K said...

Thanks. I want to live in that spire-top monastery. Who are all the people? I miss climbing. My Modest Mouse Pandora station is SWEEEEET! I am having trouble focusing today. I am growing a sick mustache. Check out the American Mustache Institute. I am trying to grow the Chevron.

Sarah said...

I want to live in the spire-top monastery too!!! Well it looks like you are just having an awful time. bummer dude.
I miss you! You aren't missing too much here, especially the last couple days... worst NY weather since I have lived here. But should be better by friday, so come over!
My Decemberists Pandora station is SWEEEET!
Are we being cruel? Sorry.. but you are in greece, that trumps pandora anyday.
Enough rambling. Thank you for posting, it had been a while.
Love you!

LeAnna said...

Good to see you're still alive and kickin'! Please bring that puppy home for me for Christmas.

My Adventures in Kangaroo Country (OZ) said...

You've finally visited Meteora... So I didn't tell you lies. Did you climb on this amazing rocks?...Yes, so you've seen them closer than me...I'm jalous but I`ll visit you to climb somewhere in Greece and to approach the clouds ;)