Friday, February 8, 2008

Interesting Tidbits

The men of the house (left to right), Your's truly, Andreas (Honduras), Jose (Guatemala), Mauro, Gianluca
Art, right?
My view from my balcony of my bedroom
Agias Sofias St. from my window
Saturday morning fishing trip

Well . . . it’s Friday. Not only that but it is 4:50 on Friday afternoon. Needless to say it's an exciting time. I have so many little things to share that I thought that I would find a theme for this entry by having no theme at all, just what the title describes. So, without further delay, here we go. . .

With no time to wallow in my stupidity I turned right around on Wednesday with a new sense of purpose and overdrive work ethic to salvage the week in science, which I was able to do with positive results. I am getting more used to the students and they to me. I finished the unit on animals today and will review next week to test on Thursday of next week.

In language arts things progress smoothly if not superbly so. On Wednesday I moderated an incredible discussion between all the students in the class as they debated the sanity of the main character in Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell Tale Heart." Mind you these are sixth graders and I had to hold them back from a full on argument. The students are still talking about the lesson and so is my mentor teacher, Roxanne. I could not have dreamed of how successful it was, if only you had seen it. Next week I start my first full unit on a novel called Freak the Mighty which should be an experience if nothing else. I have a bit of clean up work to do with that so that I am ready. It will be interesting to see how it goes as I created the whole unit from scratch.

There are two big deal tidbits from school that I think are important to relate. One is that I am going to tutor one of the sophomores in physics, 15 euro an hour. That might not sound like much but that buys a lot of food. The other piece is that there was an off-hand comment by the head instructor about keeping me on for next year. . . we'll see.

On to other subjects. . .

Things are going great overall, as you can see from above and as everyone said, all has recuperated and I find myself back on top with a renewed focus. I have fallen into a solid effective schedule during the week where I wake at 6:15 and do 70 push ups, make the bus at 7:30, arrive at school at 8:00 leave school at 4, get home around 4:45, run from 5-5:40, nap from 6 till 7, eat at 7:30 and then do work until usually 2 depending on what I am working on. I love it it feels so comfortable. Some nights if I don't have to do too much and someone is game we go down to the sea and drink a glass of wine under the heated awnings. I believe that this is the life.

On the weekends we travel all over the city, but recently I have been so busy that I spend most of my time reading and planning, its ok, I've got plans.
On to other subjects. . .

The roommates are great. Caty, Dina, and Mauro are all part of the Eurasmos (sp?) program which is a masters program where they spend two years studying in universities all over Europe. They are from Ecuador, Russia, and Argentina respectively. The fourth is Gianluca from Italy and he is studying at the university here, Modern Greek. I caught a lot of heat for only posting pictures of the ladies, but really what do you expect? I have posted a picture of the rest of them plus some friends in this post along with pictures from my bedroom window and some artsy shots.
On to other subjects. . .

I have found a climbing shop, a climbing gym, and a climbing area (thanks to Jud, interestingly enough). The climbing shop is actually an outdoors store, Mike and Olga work there, super cool people, and very helpful. The gym is tiny but will be fun for a while, I plan on going for a while tomorrow, we'll see.
On to other subjects. . .
I actually cannot think of much else, Things are going well. I want to thank you all for your support, I know I was being a bit over dramatic with the last post but it seemed really bad at the time, after some reflection time and all of your help I realized that it happens and that I must simply better my abilities. I really enjoy reading all of your comments and encourage your questions I'll try to get to them. Keep in touch and stay sane.

Peace and Love,

Manifest plainness,
Embrace simplicity,
Reduce selfishness,
Have few desires.

-Lao tzu-


Karen and Pat said...

Hi Ian, another wonder journal entry. And, your pictures add so much! Sounds like things are going well. Don't have a stroke if you have another not perfect day - it happens to the best of us.
I went to SECO on friday. it was pretty disappointing. The best part as usual were the exhibits but they left at 3:00!! I walked out on the ODE presentation so that I didn't get rude. Others did - it was infuriating. I don't know what planet those people are from...This is tea weekend and I am off to help set up and then we have dinner at G'pa Rockwell's this evening with Andy & Gayle. Our time is filled...Keith is coming for a couple days net weekend and I'm really excited. I am have a bad case of "LOSS" Lack of Son Sydrome. Much Love, Mom

Grandpa said...

Hi Ian, We really enjoy all that you are writing about. Sounds like every thing is going to be O.K.
We are having a typical northeaster Ohio winter so you aren't missing anything. We are having our "tea" every day and wish you could join us. Keep up the good work and keep the info coming. Love you, Gr'm & Gr,p

Anonymous said...

Hey Ian!
Any earthquake updates? And send me your address already!!! If someone else has his mailing address, i would greatly appreciate it....
Love ya!

Brendan McDonald said...
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Brendan McDonald said...

Awesome posts. Laughed at your classroom crash (it had to happen some time right?) All is well at home, trying to climb as much as possible. Gimme a shout whenever you give me a chance.


PS- started building a rack. C4 size 1 and 2 and a few hexes when I don't eat a lot.