Saturday, January 26, 2008

On the Move!

I am not sure that everyone was aware but I am in Greece, I do not speak the language, and I was living by myself. Now, this is all well and good but it does not aford me my needed stimulus of human interaction, so I fixed all that; I moved.

I found an apartment for the same price that I was paying originally only it is in the center; in the heart. Do you all remember that huge church cathedral that I posted? well I look down on that square from my bedroom windown.

The set up of the apartment is a bit different. . . there are five bedrooms connected together by a large hallway, one kitchen and sitting area, a living room, and we all have our own toilet and shower. It is a pretty cool set up. The apartment is not as new as my previous apartment but it is nice evough. My flat mates are from all over the world all going to aristotle university. One from argentina, one from russia, one from japan, and another from ecuador, we are a regular international youth hostle.

I have not me everyone yet as te have been out of town and I just moved in today. . . by myself. Yes, that's right with no help. No one was available to give me a hand and so I did it by myself; in three trips. it took a total of six hours. Awsome.

I will post pictures soon and tell some stories, but currently I am being smoked out.

peace and love

-it is not the place that you live, but how long you have lived there that makes life complicated-


Adam said...

Hey Ian, sounds like things are going well. Do you know about any vacation time yet?! Send me an email.
"A Russian an Argentinian and an American move into the same apartment building..." Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke! That's good though, I've noticed you like to be around other people (though i can't understand why) so hopefully you'll have some cool folks to hang out with....

Brandon and Michelle say "Hi" by the way.

Oh, back to important things, have you found a climbing gym yet?!

Regarding that last quote, I've found that to be true. My general rule of thumb: no more than 6 months in one spot! Remember "fast and light"!


Karen and Pat said...

Well, well, aren't we self reliant and independent!! Sounds like a good move to me. Of course, I now have about 100 more questions to add to the hundreds I already had...Keep writing - I continue to love the information you share and hope to see some of my not asked questions answered! Love you
Adam - I'm not sure I like you giving him advice...

LeAnna said...

So I hate this thing b/c it just erased my post. But anyway, have you done some major shopping? Three trips! How many trips did you have to make from the airport!? Just kidding.

It's great to hear that you like your school and your cooperating teachers. That will make your life a lot more enjoyable I'm sure. I'm also happy to hear you're now going to have some people to come home to. It should be interesting all being from different places.

Well, keep on posting b/c we live it! Post some pics soon!


Anonymous said...

Ian! Sounds like you have got it all figured out! I hope you like all of your flat mates. Make a point to be extra nice to them... the more free places to stay/places to visit all over the world the better!!!!
I had the same problem as LeAnna last week, I wrote a long blog and it got erased!!!
But what i was asking last week was...What is your favorite thing to eat? and What type of music do you hear people listening to the most? What is greek music like?
We are doing well. Marjie and Nathan came to visit this weekend and we had a lot of fun. Your name came up a few times... Ian the ferret. ;-)
Hope to read a new blog soon!
Love you!

Adam said...

Do you live near the Agia Sophia Church? I think I found where you live on Google Earth... You are right in the center of town and it's pretty far from your school isn't it? I found a Pinewood High School just off the that it?

Talk to you soon!

K said...

So you're looking down on the church and living with a russian, eh, comrade? Well, sounds like a good move. The move I mean, not necessarily the introductory joke. You posted a couple days ago, but I've just now had time to sit and read. So here's your writing assignment. Start blogging some short, simple lists. Favorite places to go for coffee. Best non-american music you've heard. The song that keeps playing over in your head. Give us some stuff to look up.

School sounds enlightening. What do you think of the IB curriculum? How's the technology ; and the science materials? Are there parks and forests around?

I ask questions because I don't have much to tell. Work's going well. Still haven't found any way to climb. Still too cold for biking, but definitely looking forward to getting into both again soon. May go out to LV for SB. Bought some old drawers at the Architectural Salvage place I'm going to turn into a book shelf.

Lastly, a bunch of Texans saw a UFO a couple weeks ago. I heard an astronomer reply, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" It's attributed to Carl Sagan, an Ithacan. New York, not Greece, but an interesting coincidence.

Love, luck, and lollipops,