Saturday, January 19, 2008

Let's Get Excited!

This is my apartment, well the one that I have now. It is super expensive and I am currently looking for something a bit cheaper. It's nice though, no complaints other than the price.
This is the view from my balcony. Thessaloniki is a city of high rise apartment buildings.
This is one of the two major Byzantine Cathedrals in Thessaloniki. It is a copy of one that Alaxander the Great built in Istanbul, except a 1/4 the size.
Ah yes, the sea. The Aegean to be exact
The dichotomy of Thessaloniki is the most drastic I have ever seen. Old and New.


K said...

I'm struck by the contrast of ancient and, if not modern, mid 70's apartment buildings. Nice pictures.

What are your first impressions of the Greek people? How daunting do you find the language barrier?
Can you swim in the Aegean?

Keep on L-I-V-I-N.
ALl the best,

Adam said...

Hey Ian, the pics look AWESOME! Nice work. Thessoloniki looks really cool!

What is the weather like? Is that haze from the sea or is that smog from cars?

Talk to you soon.

Unknown said...

Great photos Ian! I think, however, that the cathedral needs to be at least... ...four times bigger than this! How are the faithful supposed to worship if they can't even fit inside the freaking building? It seems you're having an excellent adventure and I'm excited for you. If you keep your face in the sun, you will not see the shadow. Peace-Jud

Karen and Pat said...

Great pictures! Where are you located in the city? (central, west etc.) How far away from the sea? How many rooms in the apartment and what floor are you on?
Take care,