Saturday, November 30, 2019

More Pictures and memories: Unfortunately out of order, but with quick stories.

 after we came back from astypalaia in july, we spent a few days in athens. here we were sitting in a little taverna after a day at the beach. Georgia was there.
 some decor above the streets of sofia.
 i know that i have already posted about astypalaia, but i couldn't resist.
 crawling through the woods, we really enjoy having access to the mountains.

after the frozen 2 openning
 in october, we went back to greece for a visit. still warm enough to get in the water.
 not as many visitors this fall, but visitors none the less.
 from when g'ma and g'pa were here in the summer. jewellery making was a huge success.
 artemis' self portrait.
 the jewellery sale from the summer.
 my rhubarb harvest. it made a pretty good pie.

constructing the jewellery shop on day 1 of 2.
 artemis cranking at the climbing gym.

 adventured into another new climbing gym.
 threw-out my back, it was pretty awful.
 before the frozen 2 viewing.
 some good friends moved away at the beginning of the school year. It sad and difficult, but hopefully a good move for them.
 olive season was interesting as always. a highlight is definitely this series of pics.
 made it out for some granite bouldering on the mountain.
 seriously, the weather in october was awesome. we definitely miss the seafood in bulgaria, but it is nice to make it back to greece to get back to some wonderful fare.
 we hosted again this year, this time for the AAS hosted CEESA football tournament. not quite as successful as last year, teenagers are weird (i think parenting plays a role as well).
 greek decor
 if only it will stay this way.
 the halloween crew.

 more mountains

 jr. monopoly is a new favorite.
 A promising future.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Bulgaria Post 6- The end of the first school year

Many places, people and activities over time

enjoying our Mountain

the family came up for emily's birthday
look at that cake
new places allow new opportunities. a book launch for one of my colleagues
artemis and emily at a wedding we recently attended. eleftheria was the maid of honor
during the last few days of school, we were invited to join artemis' class on their weekly walk in the woods. artemis was taught to use the 'survey frame' to create beautiful images or focus on a certain point of interest.
before we left for the summer, we joined some friends at a place called Kokolandia. a ropes course that was so much fun. courses easy enough for emily and hard enough for rob and i to have fun. 

we made it to the beach.
we spent a lot of time on the boat . . .

and it was most definitely worth it.