Sunday, May 28, 2017

Emily's 1st Birthday!

we arrive under clouds, but also sun.
the big gift. thank you Yaya and Papou.
a version of ring around the rosy, but not about the bubonic plague and just generally different.

hot new ride.
we seem to want her to walk more than she does.

eleftheria's pink velvet was as good as it looks.
hitten' that sidewalk chalk.

balloons and flags
the park is really nice, the area we were in boasted some picnic tables and a very useful densely leafed tree.
when it started to sprinkle we all huddled underneath until the cloud passed.
then we escaped to blow some bubbles.
up in the tree
the kids were hiding to surprise us all on our walk. there are paved trails that lead down to a wider dirt trail where people run, ride bikes and stroll with their families.
we held out for a long while, but by the end even our tree couldn't hold the rain back.

A few Photos

we were back out at Artemis' friend's house where she got to ride a tractor and another horse riding lesson

a new purchase for the house in the village means comfy swing-time on the patio.
 Artemis and Emily both grew out of their car seats, so Emily moved into Artemis' old seat, very exciting.
the family pack mule
this is a photo from the same park where Emily's part was held. we were there a week early to scope out the area, but once again it rained on us. we hid underneath this ancient arch. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Easter May Day and NPR Strikes Again

in the spirit of reinvigorating this blog, and forcing myself to use the camera more. here are a bunch of pics
Artemis really like Georgia

swings are universal, it's true
marinas are such cool places
i never see a goat, especially a baby one, without thinking of Adam. i am not even sure if i was alive when he went through his goat phase, but i have heard so many stories.

i used to think that there was nothing cuter than Artemis sleeping
our little monkey, this is not the same as the other one, but she loves all of these things
may day! first day at the beach. Artemis and i both went for a swim
killin' it.
ya'll have such nice bloom picks, i don't have any, but i took this one today from a palm tree
not bad for 30 minutes from the house, it is a privilege i don't take lightly 

finally, you should follow NPR Music, Alt. J is phenomenal, and i am still a sucker for a small string section