Monday, September 26, 2016

School Days

15 days in.
 the whole family was ready.
 she was super brave and put up a good fight, but even she had to admit that under those power tights, she was nervous.
 girl has more clothes that i have owned my whole life.

 wow. just. wow

it is pretty fun to have company in the car again, i have been missing eleftheria on the way to work, and having artemis has been a pretty fun change of pace.
not all mornings work, but not bad 1:15
 here we are leaving on Monday from the village, breakfast in hand.
 ninika joining in for the commute.
 on days when she has gym, it is all wild cat gear, green, white and gold.

an old hand.

we are three weeks in, and going strong. still can't believe she is going to school. it has it ups and downs, but overall we are doing very well. artemis rides in with me, we grab some tyropita along the way and then i drop her off. she gives me a big hug and kiss, and then makes me promise to take her extra clothes to 'my school'. i then go to pic her up after school and she promptly falls asleep in the car. she seems to like it, seems to be making friends, and seems to be happpy, so . . . here's hoping.