Saturday, July 16, 2016

An Anniversary

so four years later . . .
we went out for our first four person family adventure, and boy was it a doozy. eleftheria pitched it a while back for us to go for a picnic, so we decided what better way to celebrate. headed out to olympus to hike down to a place we've been once before with Artemis when she was still super little. this time was a bit different, not least because Artemis hiked the entire path, i mean it, the entire thing. the whole thing is not that impressive, about 1 km hike which an average adult can handle in 20 minutes, but it is up and down with a lot of stairs, and taking into account Artemis' tiny legs she was amazing. lots of smiles lots of climbing and no whining. Emily was awesome as well, she fits in our carrier that is recommended for a 3 month old, and she hung out for the entire hike, it was wonderful. 
 Eleftheria and i carried the food, blanket and the spare baby parts; we were a solid crew.
 over roots
 around rocks (though we went over some of those too)
 up stairs
 to our final picnic spot. mousaka, tomato, cucumber, and yogurt were all on the menu
Artemis did all those stairs coming and going plus a bunch more. we sat in the shade, under a beautiful cave.
 the set up.
exhausted by the end of the day, it was a great experience for all of us, and a wonderful way to celebrate our family.

here's to four more years.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

All Set For Burning Man

Quality Music and Quality Thoughts

As always, I am spending a lot of time in front of the computer screen these days. I like to have something on in the background in order to stay focused out of the fray, and to get distracted with when I am working too well.

Lumineers are not necessarily my favorite of the hipster folk revolution, but they are not as dark as either the Avett Brothers or Murder by Death, so just some Solid Happy Music. Plus I love KEXP and the Set is great.

Trevor Noah is very aware. Let's leave it at that. NPR is very good at interviews. Let's leave it at that.

40 Days and Around

there is a tradition on the 40th day of life that the baby is taken to the church and blessed, then there was a small ritual at the house. lots of healthy years and good fortune.

aunt Gogo is here, and we're at the beach?!

Artemis is a sweet older sister.
the harvest is beginning to arrive, and Artemis is becoming quite the agriculturalist.

she is swimming so well these days, and is now blowing bubbles. a big step.

proud papa

G'ma Harrington has been making Artemis photo albums from each of the trips that we have together. Artemis treats them like picture books, remembering stories, memorizing names and learning about her family. now she uses them to 'teach' Emily about the family. it is so awsome. 

baking soda + vinegar + food coloring = a nice morning