Wednesday, February 18, 2015

An Artemis Post

hopefully a self explanatory title for the following set of pictures. all were taken within the last month (+/-).

Sunday, February 15, 2015

MUN vs. Mountaineering

so, this weekend i am at the MUN conference all weekend, a tiring and at times tedious experience. but the kids do enjoy it and it is a great opportunity to do some meaningful networking with some like-minded people. this is s shot of the us consul speaking.
the highlight of the weekend was artemis' visit. where she climbed all-over-the-place. here in a cpu container in the computer lab, and made whole committees collectively awe. 
last weekend i went true mountaineering for the first time in my life. i liken this to ceder point only nature instead of technology, and trees and rocks instead of people. so hiking up is like waiting in line, good conversations, but really, lets face it, in the way of the action. then there is a relatively short period of real action, which could be really awesome, or just 'meh', with a mild possibility of true death. then there is the hike down which, like the rush hour after leaving the amusement park, is ultimately in the way of dinner and rest.  perhaps that is a bit harsh the mountain was a beautiful, and like ice-climbing, it is a fine excuse to get out in the winter, but it is good to know that rock climbing is still better.
Jaimie Hyneman pulls off glacier glasses better than i do. i also suck at selfies, perhaps it is the self, but . . . .
it is pretty up there, but the top was cloudy so . . . no pics.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Some Music To Keep Track Of

i am always looking, so thought you all might be looking too. *there is another new post below with photos to look at while you listen to music.

 hozier's take me to church is awesome, the rest of the album just adds to it. also the barn of the farm sessions youtube channel is sick.

 my current fixation. i don't like everything, but she is super talented and her voice is amazin.

 if you press for captions where available on vevo, he is translated. absoluting incredible. this one is just amazing.

 this one plays on my love of irish folk music as well.

 keith posted these guys earlier, i thought that i would just elaborate.

Random Blog with Random Stories and Pictures

so, for the most part i work off of my camera, but i have found that if i forget it, i always want a pic of something. i take the pics on my phone but they never make it off. i finally took the time to take care of this issue, and here is the result; a random set of shots, mostly artemis, from the time she was about 5 months old until just a couple of weeks ago.

precarious sitting, it is incredible that she is walking.
she always did make the weirdest faces.
a beautiful sunset in the village
at koki's supermarket, she has so much hair now.
this is us kicking it at a friend beach house, artemis had a good summer at the beach.
this is from the trip when mom was here. i think that this is the biggest one i have ever seen in the wild.
i got so bad at taking sleeping pics.
the blue chair.
the only way to move around a super market.
the best melomakarona of thessaloniki. as determined by eleftheria and i after and exhaustive study done in order to find leanna and adam's christmas gift.
perhaps we'll have a dancer when she finds a tutu that fits.
artemis rocking a very cool hat.
this is at the mall, artemis is practicing to be ready for a visit to uncle keith's and aunt sarah's house.

she is not speaking yet, but she is now indicating pretty well. so big, so cute.

a fun retrospective, hope to talk with everyone soon. peace love and happiness.