Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Face Melting Cuteness

You're not too tired of baby pictures yet, right?

these were taken by eleftheria.  i swear artemis is cuter every time i come home from school.  she is doing so well.  we were at the doctor's office this evening where everything went very well.  she is healthy, ready to go, ready for fun.  We were given the go ahead for walks and some visitors, both within reason; she has also gained a good amount of weight, which is not surprise considering her eating habits.  eleftheria too is doing very well, though still sore, she is getting a little sleep, and finding the motherly duties to her liking; how could you not with a face like that?

2 and a half days of classes left before i get a chance to spend all my days with my family.  no worries though, all is well.  eleftheria and i would like to thank everyone for the well wishes and support.  we'll keep the posts coming whether you want them or not.    

Friday, December 13, 2013

Wow . . . Dad

i am sorry to all those who have been waiting forever.  but, its been a bit busy.  these are some early baby bump pics.  we didn't do a great job of documenting everything (usually my fault) but we got some. 

 we went through like 5 different greens for the room (i actually think it was three).
 so many clothes, so much pink
 not quite a charley brown christmas.  we finally got our own tree this year.  not real, but less death
 putting together a christmas tree is weird
cradle and dresser.  our friend loaned us the cradle, and simos painted our dresser.  we went out and bought the knobs, they are all different, really cool. 
 final internal baby picture
 first external baby picture
 dry skin and all, she is ours.
 the new addition in the family. 
Artemis K. Harrington:  Born:  11/12/2013 (european date order)- 3.99 kg. 53 cm. at 11:10 a.m. in the morning. 
mom and daughter, both doing very well. she doesn't look like anybody yet, but i am pretty sure that she has grandpa harrington's (that would be my dad) ears.
 we have also added a few additions around the house. finished christmas tree with ornaments. 
 new book case, it is sick.  it is so wonderful to have spots to show things and to keep my books out. 
the baby station is ready.

thank you all for being so patient.  it has been a very busy week.  absolutely crazy in fact.  I finished up my master's papers. 3000 words on the undermining factors of education in refugee situations, 3000 words on the need for social network policies in the struggle to stabilize the lives of female migrants,  1000 words on the issue of humanity and its effects on the assessment of development policies, and 1000 words on the policy of caring.  it was a very rewarding experience; i can only hope that i was in the ballpark of what my professors were looking for. 

our daughter was born on the 11th, we went in early, around 7, and eleftheria, deciding that she would have none of that long labor stuff, crushed the pregnancy in just over 4 hours.  Artemis is health, cute (a father's review) and coming home in about 10 hours as i write this post.  excited is a strange word and does not begin to describe all of the feelings.

i just wanted to thank everyone for all of your support and love, we hope that in time, everyone will have the chance to meet her, and help her to grow up to be a wonderful part of the future.