Sunday, January 27, 2013

I Have Been Posting Too Much Happy Stuff

enjoy, and just remember, the aliens will come sooner or later. . . .

New Skills and Stuff

a deconstructed cookie does not taste nearly as good as a baked cookie, but the picture is still pretty cool.

eleftheria tends to bake according to my work schedule, which usually means the cookies are baking pretty late.  one of her creations, down and right, were some delicious oatmeal apple cinnamon cookies.  
Some of her other recipes include a black velvet cookie with cream cheese frosting, and a lemon cookie with almond glaze.

our newest toy makes two cappuccinos.  it works just like an italian espresso machine, but with an extra part that froths your milk for you (insert comment about frothing your milk here).  The results have been pretty good and are getting better.
eleftheria even went and found us some cappuccino mugs.
thought i would post a picture of my new helmet while it is still clean and fresh.  The problem with helmets is that each time you buy one, you want it to be a little better than the last.  it is getting a bit expensive, but its light, has a built in retractable sun visor, and a better fit than my old one. . . not to mention it has not been run over by a car.  

Re-discovering A Great Band

in my never ending quest for good music, i am always so happy when i find my old favorites are still around and doing new things and sounding great.

great band = Murder By Death
new album = Bitter Drink Bitter Mood (not brand new, but new)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fun Pics

my ring fits too big on my finger, but i have really big knuckles and so it is a bit hard to get off.  cooking chicken is an important time to take it off though . . . she put it back on.
 i never feel like more of a grown-up than when my refrigerator is full. AHHH!!!
paprika, oregano, olive oil, pepper, salt, and thyme.  cover some chicken breast with it, throw the chicken in a hot fry pan on high heat with some olive oil and a bit of butter.  golden up the chicken.  put it in a bake tray with cherry tomatoes and a bacon strip for each chicken breast and then put it in under to grill on high for about 12-15 minutes.  it was great, really juicy. 
 best apron ever
 this guy help us open up some wedding gifts, and that is our new rug.
 eleftheria and i will do anything to make little kids happy.
 eleftheria made these amazing pistachio dark chocolate chip cookies, amazing.
i tried to get a picture of eleftheria dolloping but she was a machine, always a bit blurry.

hope everyone is good.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Bowling, Late Christmas, and Baked Goods

i showed xristina the patented granny style bowling maneuver.  eleftheria and i took the girls bowling on the last weekend before they went back to crete.  it was great fun.
she picked up the technique quickly
and with great results
happy girls
i love living abroad.  I have been getting christmas cards and gifts since the 10th of december, and now our final (i think) gift came just this week.  it is like mixing the best of christmas and hanukka; great gifts for many days. 
thank you so much for the calendar adam and leanna; i think that it gets more beautiful every year.  i think mom is anxious for me to start moving my stuff out of the house now that i am married.  She has started sending me things that i already own disguised and christmas gifts; really though it was wonderful, eleftheria was impressed i could remember them all. 
she then impressed me by baking this beautiful pistachio bread/cake.  it was absolutely amazing. 

and a big hit with the company that we had that night.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Eve Day and The Eve Itself

live music was all over the place downtown on the 31st.  heavy on the drumms, clarinet and dancing
this guy has been downtown for the past couple of days.  he writes out the history of the work, in this case the japanese ink block "The Wave", and then recreates it in side-walk chalk.  super cool
full streets.  some were silly enough to think that they could bring cars to the center, a difficult task on a good day.
full tavernas

in the evening we made it to nea silata for a big ol'family dinner.  evagelia cooked and it was absolutely wonderful.  the dinner included a roast with fruits, lamb, tirokafteri (spicy peppers with a feta cheese cream), green salads, eggplant with pork, beet salad, potato salad, profiterol (chocolate pudding with bread and cream), fruit salad, and a sweet bread for the new year. 
the kids table reminded me of grandma's house.  i forget how old i had to be to sit with the adults, but i remember being super excited. 
eleftheria and i were in charge of the green salads:
  1. fresh iceberg, lettuce, mango, cashews, and mom's special poppy-seed dressing
  2. spinach and arugula, yellow and heritage grape tomatoes, figs, with a honey dressing
they were both very different, and very well received
simos and i had the privilege of opening the champagne
xristo had the chance to have a drink, and held his glass like a true gentleman, and ended up polishing off the glasses (with xristina's help) of the two older girls, neither of whom found the drink to their liking
the traditional smashed pomegranate
all together now.

another fun, and family filled holiday. we really had a wonderful time and a fitting introduction to the new year.  we hope that everyone else found a place to celebrate and/or someone to celebrate with.

happy new year
seasons greetings
love luck and lollipops