Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Bit of a Personal Touch

Yep, not bad for an hour from my house.  I enjoy living in Greece cause there are so many different landscapes.  I have said that before, but it remains true.  Olympus with blue skies and a snow cap.
 Sunflowers are her favorite . . .
 You can tell by the smile.
 we used our ikea gift cards.  should make for a great place to sit for the summer.
that is a bougenvilea in the corner.  not only have we not killed it yet, it actually has new buds since we bought it.  very exciting.  
bit of a random church procession in the rain.  i am always enamored by these kinds of things because they are so different from anything that happens where i am from.  
 eleftheria and i went to a βάφτιση (christening) for the baby of a friend of ours.  it was beautifully set, if not a little hot, in a large park behind thessaloniki.
i have to admit i was a bit confused whether it would be an actual christening, or a ritual lawn mower start,  but then the baby was dunked, laughing the whole time. so, christening it was.  

i haven't posted anything very personal recently.  admittedly, i have been super busy and not taking a lot of pictures, but there really is not much new either.  eleftheria and i are busy, school has been crazy, and i have been overly tired.  

thankfully, four more days of school and then the summer of changes, travel, and excitement begins.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Fun JPGs

i was recently sent these two jpgs from a couple of students.  just thought i would share.